Janine Mehner is a professional presenter since 2010 and works for several tv and radio stations. She hosts events such as summits, awardceremonys and trade fair shows, e.g. in San Diego.
Foto Credit: Anna Lena Ehlers.
Janine Mehner is a professional presenter since 2010 and works for several tv and radio stations. She hosts events such as summits, awardceremonys and trade fair shows, e.g. in San Diego.
Foto Credit: Anna Lena Ehlers.
Working from Hamburg and Lisbon for his company urbane ressourcen Jürgen Wehnert has a track record in innovation in more than one domain: IT applications in logistics, in transport security, for smart cards and more recently in electronic health. In all domains Jürgen is active in conceiving, defining and promoting new applications and (web) services. Jürgen is delighted to once again be the moderator of the AIS Summit.
Sabine is project manager of the trade fair fish international in Bremen, Germany. After over 20 years of experience with the product fish, Sabine knows the industry inside out. She is always in touch with the industry’s concerns and succeeds in making them the topic of lively discussions.