Panel/ Talk
Friday 07.09.2018 at 9:15
We discuss existing and upcoming new developments in the AIS protocols for space and ground based usage
Alfred Kotouczek-Zeise
Torkild Eriksen
Torkild ERIKSEN is as Principal Scientist at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). He has a M.S. (1992) and a Ph.D. (1999) in Physics / Electronic Engineering from the University of Oslo. He has been developing space systems and services within the maritime domain since 2000, including satellite AIS and VHF Data Exchange via Satellite (VDE-SAT). His international experience includes work on EU and ESA contracts, secondment to the European Defence Agency and the European Union Satellite Centre (2007-2008), and work for the European Commission – Joint Research Centre, Maritime Affairs Unit (2012-2014), on maritime surveillance capabilities including Copernicus services. Eriksen is currently working as researcher and manager of space-based AIS activities at FFI.