SEADEVCON CONFERENCE 201927. September 2019 at HSBA Hamburg
The impact of seaborne trade and tourism on global warming and climate change.
Who is stakeholder, who pays, who delivers – who pollutes – who cleans up?
Shipping is not just for trade – what is the impact of cruise ships and ferries on CO2 emissions?
Wind, hydrogen, electric – what are the ships of the future?
What will a smart and sustainable port in the future look like?
Where will the money flow? Will smart investors at the same time be also sustainable investors in the future?
Climate change is a fact. The causes are clear and well-known. Besides long-term fluctuations, human beings are mainly responsible. „Business as usual“ is no longer an option as intergenerational fairness demands actions now. Society has beginning to recognize we are all under threat of extinction. But are the cards really being reshuffled?
The SEADEVCON 2019 will be in the heart of Hamburg at the HSBA Hamburg behind the Rathaus. The Location is very easily accessible. You can walk from central station in 10 minutes or by train (U3) to Rathaus.

HSBA Hamburg
Adolphsplatz 6
20457 Hamburg